What Is the Best Natural Appetite Suppressant?
Losing weight is tough. Even with regular exercise and portion control, it can seem like those stubborn pounds just hang on. With the holidays coming up fast, it's all too easy to give in to tempting snacks and treats.
Many dieters look for a natural appetite suppressant to help fend off cravings that can undermine healthier choices. Let’s take a look at the choices available for curbing appetite and how they fit into your nutritional goals.
Expensive Diet Pills
There are literally thousands of pills on the market that claim to suppress appetite and spark weight loss. The problem is that most of them aren’t proven to work, but just about all of them cost a lot of money. Some also involve ongoing payment programs that are virtually impossible to get out of once you realize the product is ineffective. Even if you manage to find a diet pill that checks all the boxes — effective on your appetite, made with safe ingredients, at a price point that leaves you enough income to live — the sad reality is that once you stop taking it, you’re back to battling cravings on your own.
Exotic and Unregulated Herbs
Ever heard of caralluma fimbriata? How about garcinia cambogia or griffonia simplicifolia? These are plants and herbs that many manufacturers claim to be all-natural appetite suppressants and diet aids. They may work for some people, but even the companies that sell these exotic substances admit that their results vary depending on the individual taking them. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbal supplements, so their efficacy is anything but certain. Plus, some herbal supplements interact negatively with prescription medications. Supplementing your vitamin intake is smart for overall health, but herbal diet aids aren’t the same as vitamins.
Complicated Fad Diets
Any time you cut an entire food group from your diet — carbs, usually — you’re likely to lose some weight initially. But fad diets often require highly restricted calorie counts, a limited time window for consuming calories, or complicated food choices that are difficult to stick with. We only have so much willpower within us, so the likelihood that we’ll never eat bread again or pass on birthday cake at every party is pretty low. While there are benefits to some low-carb diets, they often leave dieters unsatisfied, which can lead to binge eating and reversing any weight loss.
Protein: The Natural Appetite Suppressant
Protein is your body’s muscle-building powerhouse, and muscle burns fat like a champ. But the kind of protein you choose makes a big difference in your overall health, as well as where that scale ends up. Many people think adding protein to their diet simply means loading up on burgers and steak. That’s not very heart healthy, though! Drinks or supplements that contain whey protein isolate are a great choice for supporting both weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few reasons why the whey protein in trimino™ - protein infused water is one of the best all-natural appetite suppressants:
- Highest concentration of pure protein (90 to 95% by weight)
- Free of lactose, gluten and soy
- Zero carbs
- Zero sugar
- Full RDA of vitamins B3, B5, B6 and B12 in every bottle
- Only 28 calories
- Natural flavors are sweetened with plant-based stevia